Excuse me, but who gave her permission to grow up?? Where is my lil´ girl?
She´s so big now, and she´s forming her personality and are turning into a school girl.
As much as I´m happy she´s such a great kid, I still get so sad about the fact that time is running away...
I see her with her friends when she doens´t know I´m watching and it´s clear she´s liked by her peers, and that she has lots of friends.
I both long for her teenage years, and -naturally- fear it. What the heck is life going to be like then?
But, for now, she´s my lil´ sweet pea. Excited about her upcoming b-day party. Thrilled about pretty dresses and SHOES (she has that from me), and she, still, likes her mama.
Who knows how long that lasts?
Anyways, we´re in the midst of baking cakes and preparing for the "big day" and she very sweetly offers to help...
cleaning the bowl, that is...