So... All in all me and kiddo are doing great.
We enjoy having close to the store and the fact that we´re not alone in the woods anymore...
I can´t wait for spring when we can get the bike out and actually enjoy the surroundings.
I love having neighbors around and I´m sure the are highly (or not) amused by the fact that I perform P90X every night in my livingroom. (that´s an excersise form, people)
I also tend to forget to put clothes on, while walking from one room to another. A habit I picked up when I lived in the country, with no neighbors to look into my home...
This can proof somewhat problematic IF I HAVE been spotted naked. It is, after all, a small town.
I secretly enjoy listening to noise from my upstairs neighbor, even though I hardly ever hear anything. I imagine things they´re doing, and it´s not always "pure thoughts".
It seems I´ve been "neighborley starved", and I can feel how comforting it is to be back in an apartment again. I was, after all, born and raised in one.
I can see before me how I spend some lazy summer afternoons at my balcony, reading books and drinking coffee, waving to some bypasser below me...
Also, packing a picnic basket and head to the playgorund with kiddo, and watching her playing with some other kids...
So, all in all, we´re doing great...
10 years ago